Data Compression Exploration

I recently wanted to explore potential candidates for data compression in our environment. I found a few ways to go about doing this, most notably this TechNet article that steps through strategy and planning. This was helpful, but I wanted to come up with a repeatable process. Since we have partitioned tables, I also wanted to examine candidates for compression at the partition level for each index.

After conversation with some people whom I consider smarter than I am, I decided that my magic number would be 3. That is, I wanted a 3:1 read:write ratio for a partition to even be considered for compression and only then would it be tested using sp_estimate_data_compression_savings for at least a 3:1 compression ratio.

[code lang=“sql”] /* Clean up from any past runs */ if exists (select 1 from tempdb.sys.tables where name = ‘compression_estimate’) begin drop table tempdb.dbo.compression_estimate; end if exists (select 1 from tempdb.sys.tables where name = ‘compression_candidates’) begin drop table tempdb.dbo.compression_candidates; end

– Create the object that will hold the compression estimates

create table tempdb.dbo.compression_estimate ( object_name sysname, schema_name sysname, index_id int, partition_number int, size_with_current_compression_settings decimal(23,2), size_with_requested_compression_setting decimal(23,2), sample_size_with_current_compression decimal(23,2), sample_size_with_requested_compression decimal(23,2) );

– Run the base query to get the initial candidates (3:1 read:write ratio)

select * , case writes when 0 then reads else (reads/(1.writes)) end as rw_ratio, ‘EXEC sp_estimate_data_compression_savings “’ + schema_name + “‘,”’ + table_name + “‘,’ + cast(index_id as nvarchar(5)) + ‘,’ + cast(partition_number as nvarchar(5)) + ‘,“PAGE”’ compression_sql into tempdb.dbo.compression_candidates from ( select table_name, index_name, i.index_id, object_schema_name(i.object_id) schema_name, p.partition_number, rows, ios.leaf_insert_count + ios.leaf_delete_count + ios.leaf_update_count writes, ios.range_scan_count + ios.singleton_lookup_count reads, au.used_pages, au.total_pages, count() buffered_pages from sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors bd join sys.allocation_units au on bd.allocation_unit_id = au.allocation_unit_id join sys.partitions p on au.container_id = p.hobt_id and (au.type = 1 OR au.type = 3) join sys.indexes i on p.object_id = i.object_id and p.index_id = i.index_id join sys.tables t on i.object_id = t.object_id cross apply sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats(DB_ID(),NULL,NULL,NULL) ios where bd.database_id = DB_ID() and ios.object_id = p.object_id and ios.index_id = p.index_id and ios.partition_number = p.partition_number group by,, i.object_id, i.index_id, p.partition_number, rows, ios.leaf_insert_count + ios.leaf_delete_count + ios.leaf_update_count , ios.range_scan_count + ios.singleton_lookup_count , au.used_pages, au.total_pages ) base_agg where case writes when 0 then reads else (reads/(1.*writes)) end > 3 option (recompile, maxdop 1);

/* Declare the local variables and cursor to iterate the candidates to estimate their compression values */ declare @schema_name sysname, @table_name sysname, @index_id int, @partition_number int;

declare page_cur cursor fast_forward read_only for select schema_name,table_name,index_id,partition_number from tempdb.dbo.compression_candidates

open page_cur fetch next from page_cur into @schema_name , @table_name , @index_id , @partition_number ;

while @@fetch_status = 0 begin insert into tempdb.dbo.compression_estimate exec sp_estimate_data_compression_savings @schema_name,@table_name,@index_id,@partition_number,‘PAGE’; fetch next from page_cur into @schema_name , @table_name , @index_id , @partition_number ; end close page_cur deallocate page_cur

/* Alter the base table to add the compression estimates (could just join on the candidates on the estimates but didn’t) */ alter table tempdb.dbo.compression_candidates add current_size decimal(23,2), compressed_size decimal(23,2);

update c set current_size = size_with_current_compression_settings, compressed_size = size_with_requested_compression_setting from tempdb.dbo.compression_candidates c join tempdb.dbo.compression_estimate e on c.schema_name = e.schema_name and c.table_name = e.object_name and c.index_id = e.index_id and c.partition_number = e.partition_number

– pull a report and generate the sql for compression implementation select *, ‘alter index ’ + quotename(index_name) + ‘ on ’ + quotename(table_name) + ‘ rebuild partition = ’ + cast(partition_number as nvarchar(5)) + ‘ with (data_compression = PAGE)’ compression_sql, log(rw_ratio/((1.*current_size) / compressed_size)) from tempdb.dbo.compression_candidates where (1.*current_size) / compressed_size > 3 order by log(rw_ratio/((1.*current_size) / compressed_size)) desc; [/code]

Feel free to modify this, but if you do, please let me know because I’d like the improvements.